The Next Generation of Mobility Advocacy: New Faces, New Plans, New Power

We may not be 18 or be able to vote or drive, but knowing we have value in the world …that’s all a student wants to hear.
— Cambria Fish, Thaden School student

Our kids in Bentonville have got it going on.

They’re movers and shakers, thinkers and doers, doing what’s right by our city to make it safer, more connected and more accessible, no matter how our residents choose to get around.

Indeed, the next generation of mobility advocacy is alive and well here in Bentonville. At Bentonville Moves Coalition, we couldn’t be more pleased to support their ideas, plans and goals. This amazing group of teen leaders includes students at Thaden School—in Mr. Sam Slaton’s popular urban studies class—and student leaders at Bentonville West High School.

“Biking is a huge part of our community,” said Cambria Fish, a junior at Thaden School and member of Mr. Slaton’s class, “and so is creating spaces in our community that include everyone, whether you walk or drive a car, bike or skateboard.”

Street murals calm a busy school intersection

Among other concepts, students in Mr. Slaton’s class learn about tactical urbanism, or creating temporary, low-cost changes, like pop-up bike lanes or parklets, to the built environment. Tactical urbanism is often led by citizens and showcases the look, feel and outcome of potential permanent improvements in a neighborhood or city.

Moving this concept from their classroom into the community, Thaden students ideated and executed tactical urbanism at the corner SW 8th St. and S Main St. in 2023. Not only did they create and paint a street mural of an agricultural field with bright colors, designed to calm the busy intersection in front of Thaden School, but they also presented the streetscape plans to several public entities, including the city’s Traffic Signage and Safety Committee.

Thaden student Noelle Wilkinson shakes hands with Dennis Birge, transportation director for the City of Bentonville, on the corner of SW 8th St. and S Main St. / IMAGE SOURCE

Temporary artwork designed by Thaden School students, "Benton County Agricultural Grid (Bird’s-Eye View),” was installed near the school’s campus at the intersection of South Main and Southwest Eighth streets in downtown Bentonville. / Photo courtesy of Thaden School

Other ideas moving ahead

Looking ahead, Mr. Slaton’s students are working on proposals to creatively light a darkened bike trail near the library and a life-size chessboard to encourage people to use the area, as well as painted crosswalks, among other ideas. They hope to present their plans to The Coalition soon for further support.

Students as well as Mr. Slaton also have been involved in several ways with the Coalition, including attending neighborhoods and education subcommittee meetings. For students, the connections they’re making are priceless. “We know Jessica personally,” said Laura. “It’s so validating to have people supporting what we’re doing and developing relationships … and helping the community move forward.”

Teen advisory board at high school

A student-led teen advisory board at Bentonville West High School is bringing mobility advocacy to the table by listening—and learning from—local leaders. Superintendent Janet Schwanhausser, deputy superintendent & CFO of Bentonville Schools, who is also a Coalition member, met with the teen board to discuss the Coalition’s work.

Among other speakers, the mayors of Bentonville and Centerton, a neighboring city, also met with students to highlight their respective city’s current infrastructure and expansion plans—and heard from plenty of enthusiastic teen advocates about their opinions on the very same topic.

Teen advisory board members at Bentonville West High School with Bentonville mayor Stephanie Orman and (WHO). City officials recently met with the teen board to discuss issues like efforts to build more connected communities. / Source: Bentonville West High School

Bentonville Moves also invited teen advisory board students to a neighborhood event to participate and learn more about becoming community mobility advocates.

A special highlight: Students secured a mini grant from the Coalition for a Bike to School Week event last year, which enabled students to design an event sticker and purchase reflective bike accessories. Students gave away items to children at Willowbrook, Elm Tree and Centerton Gamble elementary schools.

A student from the teen advisory board promoting Bike to School Week and passing out stickers to elementary-school students last year. Source: Bentonville West High School

Knowing they have value

Like all teens, these kids have big dreams—college plans, summer jobs—but what’s especially impressive is that they make life better for all of us by making their communities safer and more connected. “We may not be 18 or be able to vote or drive,” said Thaden student Cambria Fish, “but knowing we have value in the world—that our voice is valued—that’s all a student wants to hear. That’s all anyone wants to hear.”

We can’t help but smile here at Bentonville Moves Coalition because the new face of mobility advocacy in Bentonville and beyond is something beautiful.


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